
Legally Significant Documents

The core features of Sign.net ensure that your documents signed on the platform meets with the requirements of the major laws in the world governing digital signatures, such as eIDAS, UETA, eSIGN act, ETA

Signer Identity

From email, passcode authentication to account verification with government ID, Sign.net offers a suite of methods to help you be sure of who you are signing with.

Clarity of Consent

Automatically capture the audit trail of every activity performed on the document by each signatory, including email, IP address & timestamp.

Document Security

Completed documents are sealed with a Sign.net certificate and encrypted at rest, so you can easily identify if any of the documents have been tampered with.

Know Who
You Are
Signing With

Sign.net offers a suite of options to calibrate the authentication methods appropriate for each document workflow.

Email Authentication

Email is used as the first basic level of authentication for all documents, to allow ease of use for all recipients.

Passcode Authentication

Document Senders have the option to add a 2nd layer of authentication to your document by setting a passcode.

Account Verification

Users can verify their Sign.net account with a government ID, national database, mobile phone or credit card; so that your Recipients will transact with confidence.
requirements for

Legally Significant Documents

Major laws in the world governing digital signatures, such as eIDAS, UETA, eSIGN act & ETA, have similar requirements for secure electronic signatures. Sign.net meets these requirements by:
Uniquely-linked to signatory Documents are sent to the password-protected emails of signatories or Sign.net account.
Identifiable An audit trail is generated for all activities on the document. Sign.net captures the UserID, email address, IPaddress and timestamp for each activity.
Sole Control A Passcode can be set on the document and communicated to the Recipient via a separate known device.
Immutable Completed documents are sealed with the Sign.net certificate is issued by Netrust, an accredited CA in Singapore and recognised by Adobe as AATL (Adobe Approved Trust List). Any changes made to the document will invalidate the seal.

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