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An e-signature is an electronic symbol, usually the person's name, that is attached to a document and demonstrates consent.
An electronic signature helps businesses to conclude transactions, manage relevant records quickly, significantly save time and resources. complies with the major laws governing electronic signing from all over the world, including eSIGN, UETA and eIDAS.
All documents signed are supported by an audit trail that automatically captures the timestamp, IP address, email address of each activity performed on the document.
This allows users to easily show that the document was signed by the respective parties, and therefore legally significant.
It's easy! It takes just 3 steps.
1) Drag and drop a document onto, accessible via any web browser
2) Key in the email address of all the parties you'd like to sign the document
3) Add in the signing fields for each recipient or create your own signature by typing or drawing. Click to place it on the document
Then just click send! will take care of the rest. We'll send it out to your recipients, keep an audit trail of all activities performed on the document, seal the completed document and send it out again to all recipients of the document.
Upon receiving an email notification to sign a document, recipients will:
1) Click on the email link to access the document on any web browser
2) Type or draw to create a signature
3) Click on all highlighted fields to acknowledge or sign
Then click submit!
The completed document will be sent to all recipients in PDF via email. No account registration required. It's easy!
Templates allow you to save and reuse the signing fields on a commonly-used document, and simply put a “placeholder” for the recipient. This way, all you have to do to share a document is add the approvers and press send.
Templates can be shared with all other users in the organisation.